

UCLComputerGraphics Rendering System

This website hosts the UCL Computer Graphics rendering system. The system implements an online framework for executing WebGL code and for implementing the coursework and assignments. Please have a look at the submission info below.

Get Started

To get started, please familiarize yourself with the WebGL spec and the OpenGL ES Shading Language GLSL. We have prepared three simple demo scripts to help you get started. You can look at and play with the code to get a feel for the system and for graphics programming here.

How To Use

For the coursework submissions, we will provide .uclcg files that contain template skeletons for the respective tasks that need to be solved. Uncomment the #define statements in the first few lines to activate the respective subtasks. Put your code between the respective #ifdef and hit ctrl/cmd + s to update the render view. Remember to frequently save your progress - to do so, the system provides the ‘Save Setup’ functionality in the dropdown menu in the upper right corner.

Important Submission Information


The following persons have contributed to the UCLCG Renderer and the Comp0027 course:

Stephan Garbin, Philipp Henzler, Michael Fischer, Yiftach Ginger, Felix Thiel, Chinthala Pradyumna Reddy.